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Contact form, eMail & PGP


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Shout it out loud! 😉


In case you shouldn’t have heard of Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/end-the-drug-war-phipresi_b_10889944;

Click the next link only if you can cope with graphic content/disturbing images: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3741589/Drug-dealers-Philippines-killed-streets-Manila.html


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58 responses to “Contact form, eMail & PGP”

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  1. Sébastien Pierre Avatar

    hello friends, say that it is because of macron that I stuck my nose in the NDS or RC. A newspaper denounced the Macron team that ordered “synthesized drugs” on bucklead. Hey, what is this thing, I immediately took my PC to see, and I couldn’t believe my eyes!! dozens of substances accessible via the internet capable of copying the so-called common substances to which I had become attached so young, such as cannabis, then later exta and coke.I love getting high, I hate heroin-like substances that knock you out, even if a little rail here or there from a good heroine doesn’t do any harm. Still, I replaced coke and Md with a miracle drug, tramadol, wow, I love its stimulating and pain-relieving effect, well I almost died because of a dosage error with 100 LP, because not knowing what LP prolonged release meant, I took 800 mg of tramadol this day, I won’t tell you the mystical circumstances that allowed me to live but I had no aftereffects
    It was going well with tramadol, but the discovery of the CRs turned my life upside down, not in a negative way, being in favor of the use of drugs I did not skimp on testing these NDSs. To be sincere, I loved A-PHP, synthacaine 3’mmc, then they banned these substances, I did like all of you, looking for equivalents, I only found MDPHP, or eutylone similar to A- php and 3-mmc, I must also say that out of 57 orders, only 3 never arrived, the sites concerned are eurochem, realchem ​​and kopen.nl. I know that bolchemist or alpha outlet make A-php, I have ordered, but I am disappointed because despite this atypical smell, I cannot find the a-php from a year ago, it is less strong. I had hope with A-PHIP or A-PCYP but meh meh, if you know a shop that produces a top A’-php or equivalent I’m interested. see you.

  2. Mariama Youme Diallo Avatar
    Mariama Youme Diallo

    Crypto Chems are out of businesss it seems. Over 30 days ago i payed for my order in FULL. No success in contact either. Their email is just bouncing back. 90 euros lost.

    1. Hi Mariama,

      Thanks for sharing!

      The email issue is because they didn’t pay the bill and this happens to have been the very reason why the RC SCENE mailbox was unavailable lately and I still hope this is only a temporary issue because who would quit with the shop payment interface still working? Let’s hope nobody I know from writing emails.

      I will also start taking screenshots and a clip of how the shop used to work for the museum tomorrow. Also, their 4-MPD will be missed.

      I updated the shop description

      and asked their domain registrar if possible to contact them via another email address just a minute ago. These privacy shields for anonymous domains make things more complicated but when Dashlane last year screwed me and locked me out of my password manager – while I was logged in asking them for support to reset my password that I lost to the previous one which they told me could be done of course – I hate those people you wouldn’t believe – Anyway, when Dashlane scammed me big time out of my passwords saved in my paid-for premium account I found out that folks like njala offer anonymity but do not so much care about their own anonymity because you might have heard about them in your favorite primetime news show anyways.

      While in real life, Austrias Nazi Party is leading in the polls again and openly supporting the war Putin started against Europe and openly supporting fascism and I am not making this up, people in RC SCENE land happen to be, thank god, less corrupt. 🙂 AIso, I switched to KeePass and couldn’t be happier.

      Let’s hope everything is alright and this is just a temporary issue. There is something like a sister site of theirs, I forgot the name, but will try there as well.


    2. Hi Mariama,

      Please consider the following:


      We are unable to provide you any personal details of our client, such information can only be disclosed if ordered by the police or the authorities.

      We can only do a suspension to stop the scammers.

      If you believe that you are a victim of scamming activities, I encourage you to escalate this to your local law enforcement agency such as the police or present a court order so we can proceed.

      Hostinger Abuse Department

      We need ONE screwed customer to report the scam to local police so the not operational any longer shop can be suspended.

      THANK YOU!

      1. Sollte sie tatsächlich so mutig sein, und ihr Erlebnis anzuzeigen; sollten wir ihr iwie unsere Dankbarkeit ausdrücken…!
        Obwohl man mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit (noch) legale Produkte bspw. über eine Plattform wie eBay erworben hat!
        Ich denke gerade ihr Schamgefühl wird sie daran hindern…
        Einige Dinge, welche eine Anzeige nach sich ziehen SOLLTEN, kommen leider nicht zur Anzeige! Krasses Beispiel:Sex. Nötigung oder gar Missbrauch/Vergewaltigung…
        Wie oft hört man, dass solch ein Schwein davon kommt!? Und das NUR weil man dann vor Gericht dieses traumatische Ereignis nomma schildern muss und somit seinen Peiniger wieder sieht…
        Aus diesem Grund entgehen Unzählige ihrer Gerechten Strafe!
        Genauere Zahlen möchte ich gar nicht wissen!
        Im obigen Grund muss ich der Polizei mitteilen, dass ich einen Drogenersatzstoff Ordern wollte.
        So wie ich unsere Freunde und Helfer kenne, schicken dich manche wieder weg, mit der Begründung: selbst Schuld; Drogen haben schliesslich keine positiven Seiten!

        Nach Feierabend trifft man ihn natürlich in der Kneipe an… Schliesslich ist Alk für Minderbemittelte KEINE Droge!!!
        Ist zwar eine mit nem Bomben Suchtpot. und hepatoxisch wie die Hölle ABER darauf lässt ein Alki nix kommen!

        Wäre schön, wenn du den Mut hättest und den Vendor anzeigst!
        Hatte ich auch schon vor; aber da die Bestellung <45euz war, Sparte ich mir lieber die Nerven….

        Weiss jemand, ob ich Probbz kriegen könnte, wenn ich fürn EB etwas
        4-AcO-EPT-Fumarat ordern würde?
        4-AcO-EPT ohne Fumarat ist zu finden. Zum Fumarat konnte ich noch kein Verbot o.Ä. finden!
        Wiki-Status: Kein Verbot o.Ä.!
        Mein Gedanke ist nur, dass man es als Triptamin-Variante o.Ä. ansehen könnte!? Kann mir diesbezüglich jemand weiterhelfen?
        Als Anbieter fand ich IVOLABS aus NL, welcher bei den 3 Anbietern zwar der teuerste ist. Sendung erfolgt angeblich aus div. EU-Ländern, was einen positiven Eindruck macht.
        1 Anbieter ist aus Canada; da könnte ich das Geld wohl gleich dem Zoll spenden… 🤣

        1. Hallo, das ist genau was ich seit nunmehr drei Jahren versuche klar zu machen: Das gibt es nichts zu schämen und es tut einem auch niemand etwas.

          In diesem Fall hat mir Hostinger zu verstehen gegeben, dass sie auf Zuruf jeglicher Authorities Scam Sites vom Netz nehmen. Das wäre der Konsumentenschutz (Europe Consumer Network). Das kann wirklich jeder, dort anrufen oder ein Formular ausfüllen.

          Ich kann den Vendor nicht anzeigen. Ich kann nicht Betrügern Geld senden, nur um sie anzuzeigen. Das Geld bekomme ich ja nicht zurück.
          Aber ich helfe jedem und jeder der die Hilfe beim Einbringen einer Beschwerde benötigt. Ich würde auch ein Dossier für eine Anzeige verfassen, wenn es sich lohnt, aber wir brauchen die Polizei gar nicht. Die Polizei kann nicht lesen. Die drei die es doch können erhalten etwa einhundert Anzeigen (Erpressung, Betrug, etc.) täglich. Wir können das auch so lösen. Ganz ohne Polizei. Ich will ja nur dass der Shop auzs dem Internet radiert wird.

          Das hat nie jemand gemacht, das wird noch ein langer Weg bis ich ausreichend Überzeugungsarbeit kommuniziert habe um hier etwas zu bewegen. Die Beamten die einen schönen Salär erhalten und genau das machen sollten sind ja Totalversager. Sagen mir, sei zu kompliziert. Unmöglich gar. Juristen und Interpol…



          Nein. wegen tryptaminen wird dir niemand was tun.

          Ivolabs versendet aus der EU und gehört zu Rechemco, soll heißen, die Lieferung kommt immer an.

          Kanada ist der Postweg sehr lang. Zoll sollte im deutschsprachigen Raum keine Hürde sein, die nehmen lieber Indien auseinander.


  3. Hi there,
    As first thank you for your service (website)

    I have experience with the following 3 vendors.
    Homechemistery.nl = 10/10! NDD top products, prices and support.

    AimimIchem PHP website = ~/10 ordered 2.5g sample with bitcoin. Now after 1 week still no package arrived for shipment.
    Contacted support 2 days ago with them saying it could take another week.
    Hopefully it’s not a scam. I will report back if so.
    If it still on time and quality i will also review obviously!

    Any news around aimimichem atm?

    TheRealRc (old website) = 6/10 NDD, pricy products with diffirent quality. Once had a diffirent substance almost sure.

    1. Thanks for sharing!

      Their PHP is like you will say something like like they cook a strong bird with that whitish material 😉

      PS: Please consider not to post off-topic. The EU vendors page would make a better fit: https://rc-scene.com/research-chemical-vendors-in-europe-2022/

  4. Yes very pleased with chem Casino product is awesome delivery 9 days service is one satisfactory

  5. Hei ,ive been scammed by chemcloud…i was given instead of 4f adb somerhing strange without smell or any active substance…and now they are not answerinf emails …wich is strange cuz i always saw them kinda proffesional

    1. Hi,

      Told ya. Please see for yourself:

      [[[ There is probably no other shop in the world that would just keep stretching and stretching its depleted supplies instead of changing a product status to “out of stock.” So happened with their 4F-MPH: the product became weaker and weaker unless they finally sold >97% pure cutting agent. I angrily changed to another vendor. ]]]]

      (December 2020)


      I am sorry to hear that they screw customers again. After a few of their millions in cash were seized, they started campaigning like there was no tomorrow. In summer, they already started telling you that many substances will soon be banned. In August, TRC had more visits than RC SCENE and seems still growing. Chemcloud had always been big. Have a look at the TRC website: He almost emptied it and refers to a – which I consider Darknet/Darkweb – site hosted in Bulgaria advertising an illegal payment interface. Allegedly based in the same former Sowjet country that TRC’s fraudulent payment interface comes from, btw…

      China declared ALL CANNABINOIDS controlled substances in May. I still see new ones popping up but I think sand is what they sell you these days. Some vendors have limited Noids to a max of 1 gram per order.

      I don’t know how to handle this. If you send the substance for testing and they confirm it is sand, I would put them to the scammers. Quality issues had not been considered yet. With NPS, you never know what you get.

      1. I would never imagine that a big one like chemcloud could do that….now i lost my trust with everyone….the only one that seems 100%, reliable is gr8/smokey….about trc…they sometimes sold weaker substances or cutted …but never inactive ones or total garbage…so now we are out of noids? All the new ones i heard they are garbage….so now besides chemcloud ,trc is gone…it seems that the market is slowly dissapearing

        1. What do they mainly sell

  6. Miss Missery is Myx'd Up and Using Without You Around :( Avatar
    Miss Missery is Myx’d Up and Using Without You Around 🙁

    Hey René,
    have you ever been told you remind someone of a person …maybe multiple persons. I’m not 100% sure.. with similiar views on some of yours, but more focus on overhauling markets, and vendors to sensing out packs with Magerial Safety Data sheets, lab results, offering atleast cheap equipment on requst… and provide more of a focus on harm reduction, proper handling and use of equipment, donating proper equipment to researchers without any at all, a public, blockchain “escrow” that would be saved and used to trst random samples from vendors. Being an immutable ledger, it can ve viewed on a block explorer by anyone with wallet address so skeptical people could see bunk police, or dance safe-like wallet transactions were the only ones being made. This person Or persons… There were a couple “Persona’s” whenever you’d catch them online; you never knew which one it was, lol Maybe I’m a nutter. They were very consistent about this idea, though. And I thouht it waa great! We talkes for weeks about it and recovery. Maybe months… they had some great ideas that seem to cross in a Vinn Diagram with yours.

    I don’t know what happened the one I’m speaking of. He’s always help me out with positivitey and support while I was tapering, or kicking col turkey. Also, basic stuff like how to use PGP, how to be more secure, how to stay safe basically.

    Because they/them disappeared after so long

    I’ve wondered if you might, in fact, be the same Persona….
    but this sites seems a little to “radical” and a bit extreme. It’s great work,by all means… I’m jut pretty sure these folks were generally to the point that they’d never want to go this public.
    Or public period! That was it! The Safety Net!! Completely Anonymous by some logic that’s way beyond me, but they figured it out, and I just listened and adored everything.

    Hopefully that’s what they’re doing currenty.. as long as they’re not runninfa stunted version o their pltaorm as a website =P 😉

    I’m hoping to signal them/one of them. They REALLY need to meet you!!

    1. Dear early Melissa Arnette,

      (early, meaning, before you started to become greedy and forgot about your talent, and, like a rat, focused on the US shit RNB chart royalties, which is all you are good for today. Does your money hug you, is it nice to talk to? Depression, Xanax, (..) not all the chemistry in the world will on your last day help you from realizing you fucked up, and fucked up big time).

      RC SCENE is not the real life, and just because I write two concepts and design a brand on a Tuesday afternoon to later build an online-app based on it, does not mean my concepts weren’t good.

      I am not, I sometimes forget, but the Danish admin here and her wooden shoes is a character longing for a lot of concentration. Did I invent myself? No. I have no opinions, no soul, no thirst, no delusion of possibly wimning the next World War – whatever I type here is someone’s else’a opinion (which I might happily agree to).

      The trick is, I rephrase, e.g., diplomatic blah-blah to the max. Should Fentanyl dealers rotten in a deep wet dark whole so deep that the sun does not reach the ground? I read, I study, I talk to the police, to addicts, to specialized social workers; I add lyrics, I do not only quote the DOJ or Health or Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany); Pop stars, philosophers and Comedians like Trevor, some few actors even – they all know what those greedy fuck drug dealers have done to them, to society, to YOU (!) – but they can’t say:

      Psychopaths like the human trash operating Longflourish, The Real RC, Rechemco, Paracelsus, Proximo Research, Foche, and whoever else tries to make a fortune out of poisoning you with substances like 2-Methyl-AP-237 or AP-238 will hopefully soon be held responsible for the crimes they committed against society and be locked away forever.


      We can. And we do.

      Sometimes, we fall out of role, it’s a thin line between crying and hoping there was a god and at the same time entertain you without letting show what burns inside us.

      I never changed the concept. Either it stands, or it fails. If it fails, I would think of something better.
      I do things that have never been done before.

      If anyone else could, would, dared, mastered, understood such a task – then why bother, reach further out to the stars, René.

      Of course, I do have opinions, that old dinosaur Courtney Taylor-Taylor, or feeling the burn — That’s me. I think this is clear.
      Whatever else could maybe? Read, think and guess. If you are bored, why not. Or enjoy a beer in a gast garden. It does not matter in the end, ideas are everywhere.

      That you read here about things you do not agree with – should I bore you with the same ol’ same ol’, should I deliver content that you want to hear, to allow you collecting endorsement? Näh!

      Better hate me today and find out tomorrow, that bitching with was right all the time.
      That moment, you won’t forget.

      Where I come from, there is no individual. You belong to a village and to your parents and you are said to look like you came from the UK, Spain, Austria, Turkey, Hungary – silly people. Especially important are your parents’ jobs. If you father is a teacher, you will later work for some government body. That is what I experienced in a rural area.

      Today, psychopaths “study” judging and manipulating people. Doctors, LE, Economists (!), Sales Agents, etc – and all do it for the money. To me, this feels like such a disappointment, such an attack on everything I ever believed and hoped in — helpful people die in their mid-twenties. Suicide has many colors.

      I heard about those plans, but you and I never talked to each other. I tried to find out if this could be legal. It is not. Organized crime, Dark Web. I can’t make money with the topic, so the stakes would be damn high: No income, no time, hard word, expensive lawyer, I’d kill myself before going to prison.

      While the idea is good, I like it, I can help build it, but not manage it.

      From what I have learnt, EVERYBODY US expects becoming rich. They have an argument, split up, project dead.
      Happened to me, when I told them there is no money in RC SCENE.

      If you trust your friends (money and power/being in control must not be an intention, untouchable folks (!), not the slightest sign of corruption, same rules for everyone, no favors for nobody; Also: Must know his/her way around the scene and be technically skilled), please introduce me to him/her/them. Last week of August or before October.

      Oh, lest I forget: They need to talk to me. They need to be able to understand legislation. They should considering joining the FBI.

      THANK YOU!

      Have a happy day!

      Kind regards,


      Don’t waste me!

      PPS: kompromat @ rc-scene . com

    2. I could and cannot answer this problem: How do I assholes like domestic terrorist Scammer Sellkies and life-threatening bunk batch sender Proximo prevent from bribing their most pathetic addicts to leave fake reviews for a hit of some opiate?


      That was me, by the way:

      Learning English or German at the age of 8 or 9 later helps you with logic, languages, and solution-orientated thinking. I received hundreds of fake complaints last year by asshole Proximo alone.

      I have met a lot more clever people than I am. They don’t care about drugs, and they don’t care about producing addicts. They think it was dumb to blog about a subculture that the Bourgeois Boheme consider a burn-the-with-crime (while they are on coke 24/7). So, they lack the understanding and motivation necessary.

      Suppose one of your friends solved that problem, ivebeenwaiting@rc-scene.com.They might please text me by the end of August. Thank you again!

      THX 🎈👨‍🚀👩‍🚀👨‍💻👩‍💻👩‍🔬👨‍🔬🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️🦄

    3. Hi brother, I also placed an order from the predator for 7 days and I haven’t received any message yet, no one answers me, I can help myself, sorry for the trouble, Thank you!

    4. Hi again,

      Vendor responsibility (they all claim to be legal and honest businesses, I will show them legal) is a super interesting topic also for me.

      If you find time, please get in touch with me.

      I learned a lot since last year and would like to give you a heads-up regarding certain indicators that want to make you think the vendor was responsible or even a professional, while they are not at all, unfortunately.

      Together with maybe Jacob from the chemical collective, we could exchange ideas and findings. He cleverly uses his quality offensive and the H-NMR tests (which in his case all are signed by a professional chemist) for marketing. He also cares about NPS, trashes substances of poor quality he might have sourced from, e.g., The Real RC, and looks for and seems to find proper quality elsewhere. He is also familiar and up to date regarding drug precursors becoming controlled. That’s an aspect I learned from him.

      The most recent thing I heard is that H-NMR lab tests would indicate up to a hundred percent purity although an HCL cannot be pure. This is a chemistry thing that breaks with common logic. If this info is correct and a GCMS test works as I imagine, then a GCMS test would indicate 67% purity instead of 99%. Dutch chemists and vendors – without exception – refused to provide an answer to my respective questions so far, which says a lot. A 67% pure compound might not sell as well as one that states 99% purity. The industry works with lies a lot, and our chemist here seems impossible to get ahold of.

      If you knew such things, I would love to hear from you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

      Kind regards,

  7. Hi Nick,

    Nice to hearing from you!

    (PS: I have not forgotten. I need to double-check if their mushrooms would really be considered legal, and also, I’d love to see such myself for once, will try to get back at them in late summer, I promise!)

    Hej, even if Marika and her husband ship from your neighborhood and/or China and should still offer steroids – please leave it. Trust me, these are no NPS. Bodybuilders all take some shit here, this is a downward spiral you cannot imagine.

    First, your life will start spinning around that shit all day (some special breakfast, some steroids, extra-long training sessions, something to be able to sleep after the pumped-up workout), etc.

    Okay, it’s your life.

    But there is something that you cannot know and that you definitely will not want: Steroids are making you a freaking retard; Stupid, aggressive, lazy, hate-filled, constant issues with LE and, finally, you will join some Nazi-Party like, e.g., those lowlife motherfuckers from the _den_i___e _e_e__ng.

    You will wear an old Nazi helmet and salute _eil __le_ ib front of your computer and the webcam to become accepted in the Nazi movement.

    DON’T, please. Thank you.

  8. Since asked how it could be possible to offer a 30-days-money-back-guarantee in the unlikely event you were not happy with the photos published on RC SCENE, without being affiliated to vendors and making millions with the project.

    Well, it’s simple maths:

    How much did you pay to visit RC SCENE?

    Maybe, think for a second.


    That’s why I can guarantee a 30-days-money-back-guarantee.


  9. Hi,

    Glad everything’s ok about RealChems! They’re my current suppliers, and the quality of their products is very good. I know them because of your site, I started buying RC’s in Eurochems …(!) . Rc-scene is a true life(-health)- saver. So much mumbo-jumbo about harm reduction… cut the crap and support initiatives like yours. People being unnecessarily poisoned? Cui bono?

  10. Hi,

    Do you know anything about Real Chems? The site is off, and TrustPilot doesn’t have any reviews (.nl) because the site ‘don’t exist anymore. It would be a pity if (…)

    Keep the good work!


    1. Realchems.com are, of course, in business and share the crown of best RC shop together with Rechemco. Same ol’, same ol’ – but on a high level.

      PS: A funny article about Realchems will be published this week. I hope it will make you smile but even more so reflect on you your reservations/expectations/scepticism regarding EU companies that pay taxes and – unlike many others – a) know what they are doing and b) constantly try to provide top quality.

      I will also publish an article about the European Union consumer protection agency and that there is no such thing as a reliable vendor scamming you. You will be surprised. A few years ago, consumer protection laws had been aligned within the EU. (Denmark did not join that treaty). I was not a fan of lowering standards in certain member states either, but now that I found out how easy I can fuck a scammer in the arse (trust me, just mentioning that you plan to involve the consumer protection agency will make particular crooks ship immediately.)

      Stay tuned.


      And again, the shops here are no sponsors; 99% of them even refuse to donate a small amount anonymously; although I am running out of money, many do not even know that I added them to the lists. This is a non-profit project, and although I work thousands of hours for FREE, I make a loss with RC SCENE.

      The shops have been monitored for many years. Only three (maybe four) people are allowed to propose a vendor for being categorised RELIABLE.

      I am 1,600 emails behind. We missed few phone calls in the past two weeks – I will call you back. Whatever. Realchems, Smokeys, Rechemco and a few more established trust and set standards (together with the busted SI (which was more than just an RC vendor) for ten or more years.

      Why should they all of a sudden vanish?

      Maybe they moved to a new web server, updating DNS servers (~the internet’s phone book) may take up to two days in which a webshop could be offline.


      THANK YOU.

      Regarding Trustpilot: Rarechems, Chemical Collective and Realchems and many more seem to have hired public relations agencies to improve their rating and got kicked from the platform. They are on Twitter now: https://twitter.com/realchems.

      PS: Don’t tell anyone, but I understand that Realchems still the ONLY SERIOUS RC vendor in the Netherlands. They are the only ones who pay for professional labs to have their substances tested.

      Chemical Collective spent 20,000 USD on advertising that they also do independent H NMR tests now. They showed me one of those tests claiming their 2-FDCK to be> 99% pure (sic!). They sourced it from RealChems, who hired a real professional lab and state purity of 97%.

      Nuff said?

      Let’s make this a topic for next year; I am more than happy that few vendors started investing in independent tests for now. I already found out how to easily fake such a lab test result and that in the Netherlands, any idiot may perform such a test and even sign it. Because the Dutch don’t care.

      The Real RC provides eve fake/manipulated H NM% R test results. More on that soon. And the only reason TRC did not get banned from Trustpilot is that so many angry customers constantly leave devastating reviews.

      One more thing:

      Let me share a secret: My headphones cables are not copper or whatever metal is used these days. They use fibreglass (the same thing that is used for T1 dedicated lines for high-speed internet. They look like they were thin cotton threads.

      Why would Sennheiser research and improve headphone cables? Because there is no such thing as purity higher than 98% in metal or in anything. Every manufacturer will tell you he tries and tries and, in the end, creates a 98% pure compound if lucky.

      There is water and air even inside copper. It’s everywhere.

      If Jacob and the team believe they would offer a >99% pure NPS, they should contact the Nobel committee, ESA, NASA and sell that wonder product to CERN.

      The Real RC TRC does not care, as always. He first sold me an inactive, fake 2-FDCK replacement and then offered me a reship, a better 2-FDCK. It’s 50% pure: same shit, new colour. Don’t blame him; Alex probably has no clue at all. All he knows is how to make money by bribing and hiring liars, always being visible everywhere, and making a fortune by covering the internet with lies about his overpriced shit substances.

      Yes, you heard it right: Alex always wanted to be everywhere and paid forums (Reddit, Headspace, DBG, etc.) to repeat his lies over and over and over again and to spread lies about, e.g. Smokeys and Rechmco.
      I would be ashamed of being such a jerk, but people are people, and what do I care…

      That he would prefer to not be featured so intensely on RC SCENE – isn’t it ironic?

      You heard right: The TRC shop review marathon will, of course, go on. I started three years ago. It has already cost me 900 Euros, which does not even include professional testing; unfortunately, I will try to figure something out.

      If you want to support RC SCENE, please help me out with a donation of as little as 10 USD. Thank you!

      If you donate 450 Euros, we could talk about a Thank You banner. Maybe you would like to see a banner for Greenpeace or your favourite band.




    I will prepare to hand over to team 3 and assist you. You are not alone, you do not need to invest any money, and even once I am gone, there is no need to worry: The US section won’t make a loss.

    Also, you will later join forces with a group of idealists that will equip you with a tool that will become popular, and they will program it for you for free.

    You must not be a vendor. You can only join the team for starters if you live in Europe or are a friend. I do not trust just anybody contacting me from the US at this point. That will change. I am so excited to hopefully soon find out that the high-level contacts from the US are integer people who honestly offered to help because they care; Today’s uncertainty is killing me; you have no idea.

    profile description

    We started to portray the NPS subculture ignored by mainstream media and therefore taken over by criminals, psychopaths, and, especially in the US, scammers and blackmailers, in March 2020.

    We make this part of reality visible because it is real, no matter how hard you try to hide it.

    NPS are so-called New Psychoactive Substances, often shitty and insanely toxic synthetic designer drugs that happen(ed) to not be scheduled. By slightly modifying banned substances and offering trash that the pharma industry found unsuitable for human consumption, a new industry, using a loophole in the drug legislation, rose. Few psychopaths became millionaires and are responsible for thousands of fatalities and caused countless (mental) health issues. Money laundering and tax evasion usually are drug dealers’ favorite hobbies.

    RC SCENE stands for Research Chemical Scene. Call them what you want; they are shitty drugs offered at unbelievable prices. The profit margin here is a lot higher than with typical drugs. A kilo of 4-MMC (Mephedrone) could be sourced for less than one USD and was sold for about 60 USD per gram.

    By flooding the planet with highly addictive Fentanyl analogs, the psychopaths finally dug their own graves. The industry had always been working with lies and trying to produce addicts. Lying about the toxicity of substances and even claiming them to be safe alternatives to established drugs used to be “tolerated” the longest time. Causing a worldwide opiate pandemic was then a tad too much.

    RC SCENE is perfectly legal; non-profit; Nothing is hidden—nothing to sell. Of course, we discuss human consumption and vendors. If Google is allowed to, everyone is.

    We are definitely the only harm reduction website ever discussed on Reddit and TrustPilot and probably the only one you have visited twice.

    Visitors come from all over the planet: America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

    Without wanting to disappoint: RC SCENE is not the beginning of anything; it’s a burial and the last shot possible for a group photo before the party will be over.

    After only four months, RC SCENE had become the #1 site discussing NPS, vendors, scammers, and harmful substances in North America. In January 2021, according to Alexa.com, lonely on the top.

    That came as a surprise. There had been an annoying issue with CSS adaptions that the WordPress preview would not render correctly, so we switched to live. Until today, I have no idea how you find us.

    Until 12/2020, I took down countless scammers legally. It at first seemed impossible. Backed up by the Swiss Police and the Swiss Ministry of Health and an email mentioning something about reporting somebody to police, ProtonMail finally decided to not ignore my reports anymore.

    In 2021, the FBI joined RC SCENE in fighting scammers (non-delivery fraud). If you don’t report criminals, no one will know, and no one will hunt them down!

    The FBI has a budget of 21 billion USD available for 2021 and offices all over the planet. If you got scammed by a Chinese company, the FBI can and will end that shitshow.




    We rely on donations. Tips. Complaints. Contributions. Death Threats and Friends. Any support is more than welcome. Thank you.




  13. Alexander von Hohnhorst Avatar
    Alexander von Hohnhorst

    Hello i wanted to know what you think of the stores from dopek.org that work with them like sandheavens.com. You have one about mefis.to and atomchemicals.nl but is it the same for the others?

    1. Avoid silkmixtures/sandheavens.
      I’ll just grab a snack, but already consider yourself banned for having posted on the contact page.

    2. Hi,

      First of all: Mr. Predator offers to assist you with creating an account. Shipping to the UK is fine; please ask him and let us know for an update on the US. I need to publish some super professional investment shop review today, and the fun part for me is: He will not be able to see; he is color-blind and defining his fake products photos like he had shot them himself ;-D

      This is the very funny Mr Predator; he posts here

      If the very funny Mr. Predator tells me in two weeks or a month from now that you showed interest, I think I will ask for that 50 Euros promotion that ends today, to be prolonged for another month, for the RC SCENE community. If he tells me that no one contacted him, then I won’t spend time on this.

      This is for you folks, not for me.

      Doped is a forum that is illegal actually and collects even more illicit money than the tax evades over there at drugbuyersguide do. They will make about 200,000 USD per year which a lot here, but it is an insane amount in Poland, where people receive a monthly wage of maybe 300 USD. It’s crazy.

      You need to understand that it is an advertising thing, not discussing or even criticizing their sponsors, only praising them.

      Although their Terms of Use clearly state that a non-profit project like RC SCENE may put links there and upload artwork; They cannot imagine that I do this all for free and even make a loss, which is okay if you understand their perspective. They are the ONLY sourcing forum that has not banned me (unlike all US forums, Discords, and even Reddit subs, b/c American forums are all criminal scam schemes, and they know I will warn you against them. That stupid motherfucker from plants4food / RCVP on Reddit and their secret Discord chatroom banned after I warned against a scammer who turns out to be friends with Platzmodo and the other idiot. Those creeps invite scammers to steal from their own community and, of course, get their share of the money they stole from you. I am done with fucked up US forums.

      DOPEK even welcomes me in a friendly way; they talk to and discuss things. They are not pissed if I mess with them for not allowing me to upload photos; Polish people are cool.

      You should know that their “Trusted Shops” pay thousands of od dollars per year and that they are a bit dumb sometimes. They would not even allow you to complain about a scammer as long as he pays for his banner ad thread. That does not mean that scammers would be a thing there. It happened, but it even happened to RC SCENE; it’s challenging to find out if a vendor is lying to you or not. Also, some of you seem to be ashamed of having gotten scammed and never let me know (there is no fucking way that Proximo would not scam you from time to time, once a scammer, always a scammer. That you are afraid of creeps like Sellkies who would first scam you and then blackmail you.

      I try my best to make you report at least to me, hopefully soon the FBI (#PLEASE! Than you.). I understand that it is difficult, but I told you that Sellkies published photos of like ten love letters he received in the past years and now even imports a schedule I from a cheap Polish vendor, I think 5 or 10 kilos at a time, then you might get an idea that times have changed.

      To their current sponsors:

      Predator is okay.

      Those I hear would sometimes scam you, but I don’t know for sure.

      JokerRC, I thought, got busted, but he turned out to be an exit scammer, and some Polish friends will probably kill him. No further on that. You don’t want to see his website, which got hacked and contains personal details and a weird photo; He was kicked from Dopek, I just noticed. I need to add him to the scammers later. I need to show some professionalism first since I would be an “investment,” as the not too clever TRC Alex told me yesterday. I noted it down. Wait for the very funny shop review; you can’t order with Joker anyway.

      Another wholesaler, I am not a drug dealer, so why would I want to order a hundred (!) grams of anything? Their photos look good, the Hexen Needles, I assume to even be (Predator had them as well, he just happens to be sold after two or three weeks with certain products). Maybe they offer small samples; I am curious myself.

      These either smell terrible or are very toxic. 4-CMC is an analog of 4-CA, a thing that is neurotoxic as hell. Also, in the US, Cathinone is a schedule I (!). France and Switzerland, and Poland are tough soil for Cathinones (3-MMC, A-PHP, A-PiHP, etc. all are Cathinones, take care!) If you report, e.g., Sellkies to the DEA, he can try to blackmail you from a prison cell at best. He imported 5 kilos of a schedule I and sells it to teenagers.

      3mmc4cmc – another wholesaler. I was not involved in the review, but 21 people were. He actually is a friendly guy who tries his best and finally admitted that the 3-MMC we reviewed was not perfect but that he works with a partner lab to find out about the mistake since he wants to provide 98% pure substances. The recent batches indeed look better. No idea about smells, I never order with wholesalers, and he does not seem to understand that I will not edit a review if he did not sell me 100mg samples.
      Mixed reviews, no idea how these products are.

      ATOM chemicals sells stuff that you wouldn’t want sometimes. He does not care about smells or purity. His stuff is usually pretty strong uppers.

      Chem Centrum
      No idea. They do not offer a single product I would touch atm.

      Chem Casino
      I believe to be a re-seller of Predator-RC. Ask Sellkies; I think he tried them. For the US market, they might okay. Europeans would instead order with Predator, I think. Usually, a re-seller who does not charge Zloty (PLN) but Euros (€) would offer watered-down stuff at higher prices. Why? B/c many cannot deal with Polish websites, obviously. Suppose Mr. Predator tells me you seem interested. In that case, I will show you how to a) use the Dopek forum (it can be translated into English automatically, you need to click a button) and b) how to fill in the order page with Predator, everything I believe to be easy to understand.

      Hebei Paihang RC
      Scammers from China. Don’t order; they will scam you relatively soon than later. I know this for sure. #AVOID
      A detail that might be of interest: They cannot even manufacture simple products like Eutylone (beware, a schedule I in the US) and failed big time when trying to manufacture 2-FDCK last year. They are owned by the Chinese Party/Government and nonetheless would sell drugs even within (!) China and scam Americans and Europeans. If a really corrupt politician wants to make money, he can get away with it for a while but will sooner or later be beheaded. Again, #AVOID.
      Quality is a mess anyway; you would want to order with such a shady lab.

      At first glance, you might think it’s 3mmc4cmc
      However, I believe this site to be a clone and to be owned by some Chinese. I would not order from there, and if though, then only their MDPEP, but only if they offered a tiny sample to order. Out of curiosity, b/c what Dutch vendors offer for MDPEP now is a different, disappointing thing. At the same time, according to the product photos, the original- which they would still have in stock – was oaky. I don’t trust them, though. Some of their products do not look healthy. Better #AVOID.

      Mefisto RC
      They constantly try new products; the one I describe in the shop review (worth reading, I spent forever finding images showing the “good old” Neorganics days) do not seem to be available anymore. I think their product was good if you ordered the capsules/caps. It was no Mephedrone, of course; it was similar in a way, though. Not bad, actually. Not kicking in like the original, but that socializing part that Neorganics caps, usually based on ETH-CAT and 4-MMC, would shine with was there.
      Right now, I need to act as a “professional investment,” the TRC show is not going to stop, of course- I ordered so many samples. He does not understand that he admits crimes in the interview and that I can’t test samples all the time. So, May will still be a TRC show here. I need to fix some things then and find that guy who desperately screamed for help; there are just too many emails; I can’t find it right now. Later this year, there might be time for another shop review with Mefis. If they want to talk, they will receive a portrait. If they don’t want to, I don’t want to promise anything that might not happen; we’ll see.
      Their products are all new; I have not seen any of them; Their current stock is not my thing. Their new 4-MMC replacement might clog your nose. I don’t understand why they stopped offering capsules. Their unique products could be a positive surprise, but I don’t know.

      Escobar Warsaw
      Looks interesting. Will ask somebody to place an order if we have some money left.

      Silkmixture / Silkmixtures / Sandheavens
      #AVOID that motherfucker. He claims to even have Ephedra (!) in stock. In the end, you will send him money, and he will tell you he was sorry, he does not have what you paid for. While Sellkies and Berg would stop here (or try to blackmail you if you dared to complain to the future prison shower heroes,) that Silk/Sand dude is not a scammer. His replacement would be like 20 times the amount you had ordered and be terrible beyond imagination. #AVOID him.

      Crypto Signals
      Dopek’s latest addition of paying insane amounts for advertising looks like a criminal project that I strongly advise against.

      Again, if Mr. Predator tells me you are interested, we can sure make something happen. Not only with Predator-RC but two or three more of them. I am not sure if they can deal with fair reviews. Predator definitely can, so do Mefis. Not sure about the others, though. I don’t know most of them at all. Avoid those that I recommend avoiding.

      Predator is okay. Mefis might be. Escobar looks tempting. 3mmc4cmc will get his updated review. Maybe someone might want to test Drenigma. For now, the very funny Mr. Predator is our man. He offers various products; he is not like the average Dopek sponsor. Contact him if you are interested. If you are not interested, I will finally go on holiday soon, it’s just a couple more days before I can leave here, I hope.

      Kind regards,

    3. Did you stupid motherfuck spam MY contact page?


      If you don’t post again, I will delete your comment, ban you, ask your question myself and post my own answer below, as pathetic as it might sound, b/c it was quite some work to click through all those sites. I didn’t notice that had posted off-topic.

      48 hours, it’s on you whether you want to get banned or not.

      Thank you for your understanding.

  14. I think we already know about kitkat or whatever. Im I hadn’t thought he was perry’s business associate I wouldnt have sent him 90 $ but that my fault. I chalk up as loss then out of no where a week ago he starts email me asking me what I want. Back and forth we go then nothing but a email from perry saying something about it’s done a katkat is dead or something.idk. but I will send what proof I have to ig trusted rc shops. I wish I could have gotten to do business with the real man. I thought they was partners. That was my bad. Best to you perry

    1. The worst thing is, Perry would update me and share his thoughts about, e.g., working with Kat vs. being friends with Kat. I should have listened closer; it does not happen every day that a vendor would share his thoughts about an internal decision. I should have done a quick backup check because when I finally did, I understood why Perry was concerned: Kat would film himself playing with a gun and upload that clip to YouTube. Or one day, send an email how sorry he was, to only a week later provoke me.

      That they had not teamed up but would run two separate businesses, I only realized when I read it after they had split up. In my defense: Perry was indeed not easy to reach during the day, and that I pick up the phone at 3 am does not necessarily mean I would be awake.

      Just one thing: Why, why, why, would you post your comment off-topic on the contact page? You know I am going to delete off-topic posts sooner or later…

      PS: Without being given details, I was informed that “they” were negotiating with Kat and that he was worried about his “reputation” and would like to refund everyone. I assume he would need a loan to do so, but I wouldn’t write my 90 USD off yet.

  15. Dear White Trash Junkie Crowd,



    Above the comments field, there is one simple rule explained: You must not post any fake lie complaint about any vendor here unless you contacted me with proof that you even placed an order with that vendor and that this one is still outstanding. I will then contact the vendor.

    This is no fucked up shit forum, here is no place for lies, opiates, idiots.


    If a vendor has a shop review/portrait mentioned in his shop description you discuss that vendor on that page and nowhere else.

    Thank you for your attention.

    1. I’d like my site to be added to the unknown list in the U.S. category I’ll even send free samples to you so you know my product is legit and I’m only selling etizolam solutions like Encern but they aren’t accepting people that can come to me to get etizolam solutions cheaper and I’ll even make it whatever concentration you otherwise it will be 10mg per ml

      1. Gimme a month, please. Once team 3 is ready and we found a way to not allow fake complaints or shilling, you are more than welcome to join the forum.

  16. Due to a minor accident, we currently cannot check (neither read nor answer) a few contact options. Thank you for your understanding.

  17. Please calm down. I already told you he needed to take a break but is back again and that there are only two outstanding orders which will be processed asap.

    There is no such thing as a “Trusted/Reliable” category for the US Only for every other continent on this planet. “OK” is the best you can achieve in the US and he is back there because he works responsibly and never scammed anyone and got in touch with me.

    That you leave like 40 comments here within 5 days does not make a difference. He is honest and professional.

  18. Is anybody else experiencing an issue with the site today? If I click on a comment on the welcome page, I would see the commentary for two seconds, but then the site jumps up and down and stops at a random comment?

    Thank you for your answers.

    1. Fixed. WordPress added font sets offering options just like a TrueType-Font do to the gallery that do not seem to be web-safe. These fonts’ options are rendered long after the browser has rendered the DOM.

      So, if one should go with a font option like “Large,” then the page is first rendered with default (Medium) font size, and only after the DOM is complete would switch to “Large,” which had caused that jumping.

  19. RC SCENE is not even a year old, and we cannot afford another Alexa.com report soon. Still, according to a website displaying Alexa.com ranks, we have not only continuously become more and more popular (without even advertising);

    We not only attract more visitors than all North American RC sites/forums discussing vendors combined (!),

    RC SCENE even seem to be the undoubted number on the planet.





  20. Word on the street is, I would hate Americans. That made me laugh. 😃

    US Discord Scammers nicknamed me “the fascist.” That made me worry. 🙁

    Here is to you, América:

    Jimmy Eat World – BLEED AMERICAN


    I’m not alone ’cause the TV’s on, yeah.
    I’m not crazy ’cause I take the right pills every day.
    And rest, clean your conscience, clear your thoughts with Speyside with your grain.
    Clean your conscience, clear your thoughts with Speyside

    Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt
    Our hearts littering the topsoil
    Tune in, and we can get the last call.
    Our lives, our coal
    Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt
    Our hearts littering the topsoil
    Sign up; it’s the picket line or the parade.
    Our lives

    (I bled the) greed from my arm
    Won’t they give it a rest now?
    (Give it a rest now)
    Now, now, now

    Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt
    Our hearts littering the topsoil
    Tune in, and we can get the last call.
    Our lives, our coal
    Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt
    Our hearts littering the topsoil
    Sign up; it’s the picket line or the parade.
    Our lives, our coal


    PS: Truth is, I HATE EVERYONE SAYING ANYTHING LIKE “BOB’S YOUR UNCLE”. I cannot resist hating those peeps 😉

  21. Contact page updated. Thank you for noticing.

  22. uplaywithfiremyfriend Avatar

    Where is my rc-scene critical comment, i wrote months ago?
    (didnt attached the mail i send the comment with)

    1. Hi,

      Please read our Terms of Use. If you post off-topic – this page is the contact page, and no one may post here other than us – then your comment will be deleted. I cannot move comments like in a forum from one page to another. Post your comment again. Not here. You must not spread lies or insults; racism, etc., will be deleted every time.

  23. Today is 02/12/21.

    Those who might remember me from my days as an announcer in chief while still being with Hustler magazine might remember what we last time when our watches indicated 02/12/21 (don’t go for the cheapest Casio) did: Celebrate! 🍨

    *** The NEWS section will receive an overhaul. 🆗 🍻

    *** RC SCENE exclusive: Melissa A. will share with us how disappointed it felt to find out that the bunk batch that Poximo had sold her was extremely diluted. 🆕 👋🏻 🙆‍♂️

    *** AN RC SCENE premiere: Since not a single authentic negative complaint ever came in regarding this vendor, LegitRC will move one up to the Reliable vendors’ category. ⭐ 🎈 😎 🆙

    Labra Tech (still needs to be investigated) and Albion might find new places that fit them better next week; that still needs to be checked.

    👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 🎱 ⏰ 🍓 🍒 🌼

    Because many are just too dumb: If you try to post negative feedback here without having provided evidence before your comment, your place is the trash can, and you are not permitted ever to visit RC SCENE again. The rules are to be found both on the contact page and above each and every comments field. I don’t write for idiots.

    FUCK OFF. ✔

  24. Since Christopher asked:


    René. Journalist, editor, graphics designer, project manager, photographer, support guy, website producer, idealist, sheriff, killer of vendors dealing scheduled substances.

    Scammers’ worst enemy. Untouchable. Creative.

    Leaving liars behind. Six weeks, and we are number one.

    A whistleblower, referee, music lover, consultant, fighter, survivor, nerd, artist, reliable, trustworthy, honest, independent, with strong opinions, unbiased, facts, sharing, caring.

    A child, concerned, ethically motivated, a friend, a foe, helpful, crazy, lazy, setting standards; Blowing your mind.

    In love with work, curious; You are a movement that forces change for the better. You play them a clown. You spend two months collecting evidence for the FBI. You don’t play the clown; you are the clown. You are an idea, a brand one can trust, and that will let you learn.

    A megalomaniac. A one out of ten million guys who will always deliver.

    A child, celebrating life. A brand that does not knock but enters. A bold move. A strong entry. A head filled with suicidal tendencies.

    You are that kid that hits the bad man, a boy who will never accept anything: a musician who unveils lies, a game you play smart.

    Change—high hopes—all those promises. Thank you for that. You are KØMPRØMÆT- you take it from here.

    You don’t lose to scammers. You don’t pay a hundred USD for a gram of anything. You want to die – but not as a drug junkie because of a mislabeled batch.

    No marketing lies, no intoxication, no addiction will impair you.

    You are welcome.
    We are ready when you are.


    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  25. Now that everything seems lost anyway, I might as well delete 425 unanswered e-mails that have no e-mail attachments.

    A Portuguese group of friends who collects and trades stamps as a hobby, which, as everyone knows, is highly profitable, will soon take over another highly profitable hobby: An artsy and unbiased Research Chemical Scene info page.

    The group is notorious for carefully removing stamps from postcards by using a technique that includes hot steam and tweezers. And they are quick:

    My new boss, João, has already given out the first instructions:

    1) RC SCENE will concentrate on its original agenda again, on news articles, substance warnings and the presentation of interesting shops and hopefully allowing to provide taking a glimpse behind the curtain of the industry. Pointless emails can no longer be considered at all.

    2) Anyone who discovers a scammer or diluter on an RC SCENE list must attach evidence of the order and tracking, or this cannot be considered. Also, a scam report must have been published on Trustpilot.com before sending me an email. Do not forget the link to your Trustpilot review!

    3) Whose e-mails were deleted, although their concern was important to you, please resend the email again in two weeks from now. Please do not forget to provide any evidence possibly needed to verify a case.

    4) Questions about shops or products end up in the trash. All relevant and honest shops from Europe and Asia can be found on the site. Just scroll through the lists, it’s not that difficult. Also, a section “promising new vendors” is available for the US.

    5) Shop recommendations, tips and all kinds of updates will, of course, continue to be read and taken into account!

    Thank you so much for supporting RC SCENE!


  26. DO NOT buy from Chem.eu! They are sending out wrong/mislabeled products that are dangerous. Plus, they aren’t sending all products ordered.


    Due to a health issue, your emails might remain unanswered for a couple of days. Thank you for your understanding.


    • TRRC and CoolChems are NOT selectively scamming you. It indeed is HOMELAND SECURITY assisting US customs. These dudes would tear open your letter, confiscate your order and send you an empty envelope with a note that might seem amateur-like and faked but is not. Please mind that these guys do not differentiate between scheduled and unscheduled substances and that seemingly “safe” mail routes seem to be their main target. Please do contact the vendor instead of posting BS on Discord et al.
    • No email will be forgotten, RC SCENE pages and vendor infos will be updated asap.

    • IN CASE YOU DEAL WITH SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, best talk to your family or friends. Hearing someone’s voice would usually ease a hurt soul.

    • IN CASE REALITY SEEMS TO HAVE BECOME A NIGHTMARE (like your smartphone was showing strange news headlines, etc.) please try to either sleep or do seek a doctor. Antipsychotics (Neuroleptics) is what you needed in case of experiencing a transient psychotic episode.

    • In case your Smartphone was indeed infected with malware or ransomware, personally, I would immediately turn it off and seek a store that offers repairs or the unlocking of smartphones. In case you sync your mobile with a cloud service, maybe try to login with that account from another device and change the password.

    • Please ignore anyone messaging you, claiming to be with RC SCENE other than myself. Emails sent from kompromat@rc-scene.com will always be signed and DKIM verified. Do not share your personal data with strangers.

    • Please stop sending me death threats. Any single death threat I traced back came from the US, by the way. Anyone sending me more than ten death threats on a single day will be surprised, I have thought of something really mean that I am not proud of but will not hesitate to use, either 😉

    • If you happen to live near a chemistry plant and enjoy a glass of tap water from time to time, maybe think twice before hitting that send button.

    Sorry for the delays and thank you for your understanding.



  28. Just seconds ago, President Trump tweeted that, if RC SCENE reaches 20,000 views this month (which would be three times the figure it used to be only three months ago), he would invite Ano Nym, monopaisa and zergblood101 to the White house, celebrating a party Trump-style: Burgers, there will be :))

    1. your sense of humor is insane, i like it…

    2. It should be obvious to everyone here that Mr. Trump is ON DRUGS. He does exactly the same sort of shit I used to do — sending paranoid and delusional missives to everyone at 3 AM — during my 18 month a-AVP / MXE ++ induced PSYCHOSIS.

      For the love of God and the sake of the free world, if anyone know who is supplying him, please ask them to STOP!

      Incredulous and ashamed in the US&A

      1. Trump’s medical exam indicated that he does 9 or so pills each and every day: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/17/donald-trump-medical-exam-full-transcript (The Guardian is a highly reputable quality newspaper from the UK).

        Personally, I think he his go-to vendor is Mr Jon McAfee 😄

        McAfee is not insane, just a bored millionaire, heading towards his 70ies and he is fun, just have a look at these two clips:

        A look behind

        The original clip that went viral

  29. Embedding the orange booky by the DEA comes with a JavaScript that is hosted on usdoj.gov which is a domain held by The United States Justice Ministry.

    It will not spy on anyone.
    It is being loaded once and can be found in the source code because of the embedded PDF.

    So if you see this domain in e.g. NoScript, don’t worry, I am just turning paranoid it seems….

    Thanks to the WordPress Happy Engineer who could solve the riddle within less than 5 minutes !

  30. Yesterday, I claimed that RC SCENE even has visitors coming from Africa. Here is the proof. I myself am surprised. I heavily doubt WordPress / Google stats, since visitors using an ad-blocker could not be counted, but these are the only and therefore best stats I receive.

    PS: I’d soo much like to have a visitor coming from Greenland. If you got any polar bear’s Wickr, please send him the link. Thank you.


    1. One more thing: After having spoken with the wrong people for too long (I should have seen coming that people who “plug” opiates won’t be super reliable…) a young man from North America recently emailed and will hopefully write and edit articles and could definitely be a great help for keeping the USA and the CANADA lists up to date.

      He did not mention “plugging” opiates in any of his emails and I really do hope this will work out. His first task will be finding out how the fuck they “plug” powders into their asses. I do not see how this could work.
      In addition to that, six authors will contribute soon, 2 of them I hope to do really interesting articles on their own, the others might collaborate on a single article, we are not sure yet.

      PS: In August, RC SCENE is already 4 months old, and page views might increase from 12,800 up to 18,000 this month, if things keep running rock and roll.

      Also, although I refused to take money from students so far, I will gladly accept donations from users now: 2 USD in Bitcoins, just as a gesture. I won’t make the BTC address public, email me if you have too much money 😉

      Last, not least: Trustpilot still has not removed the insulting reviews (this is only one dude with a VPN doing this), he rewrote both reviews and now I am an insolent greedy fuck and well-known blackmailer financed by a mysterious group of shops that obviously all belong together…
      Well, even though the people working at Trustpilot’s are both fucking slow and obviously idiots, YOU added eight 5-Star-reviews and turned that thing within a week. Thank you very much!


      1. A dear friend of our website, Sir Bill from Texas, attentive and helpful, explained “plugging” to me!

        The powders are dissolved in a liquid (preferably water) and then injected via an enema. Quote: “[ The substances ] are absorbed readily through the anal cavity / possibly intestines as well, due to the many blood vessels in that area. Kind-a like a butt-nose.”

        In fact, rectal insertion is also a topic in medicine, thanks to Sir Bill’s explanation, I remembered having seen such rectal tubes filled with Diazepam.

        In case you wanted to go for a further read on this, mabe have a look at the

        Diazepam RecTubes® Rectal Tubes Patient Information

        Or at pictures of syringe- and tube-like insertion tools

        We do in no way endorse trying this with anything else but real prescription medicine! The anal cavity is so sensitive that you could easily hurt or even kill yourself !

        “Plugging” would also be referred to as “boofing” sometimes.

        Thank you Sir Bill, much appreciated !

  31. Who would do something like that? Does anyone have an idea, maybe?
